White Protestants and Catholics support Trump, but voters in other U.S. religious groups prefer Harris
Among White evangelicals, support for Trump is higher among those who attend church regularly than among those who don’t.
Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World
Among White evangelicals, support for Trump is higher among those who attend church regularly than among those who don’t.
Adults in Indonesia, Bangladesh and the Philippines are the most likely to say it is important to have a leader who stands up for people with their religious beliefs.
Democrats hold consistently favorable views of all 16 agencies asked about, while Republicans express more unfavorable than favorable views for 11 agencies.
Fewer than half of Americans (47%) now express a favorable opinion of the Supreme Court.
In the event that a Senate seat becomes vacant, governors in 45 states have the power to appoint a temporary replacement.
Most U.S. adults follow news about local government and politics, yet only a quarter are highly satisfied with the quality of coverage.
Most Biden supporters favor a bigger government with a strong social safety net. Trump backers generally take the opposing view.
Voters who support Biden and Trump have starkly different opinions on many issues, and these two groups are divided internally as well.
More than 80% of Americans believe elected officials don’t care what people like them think.
Americans view their state and local governments far more positively than the federal government in Washington.