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More Latinos Have Serious Concerns About Their Place in America Under Trump

5. Views of President Donald Trump

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The new Pew Research Center survey of Hispanics finds many disapprove of how President Trump is doing his job, though not all Latinos agree.

Most Hispanics disapprove of the job Trump is doing as president

Charts showing that most Hispanics say Trump’s policies have been harmful to their group, and eight-in-ten Hispanic Democrats say Trump’s policies have been harmful.

Latinos’ assessment of President Trump’s job performance is lower than that of the U.S. public. Only 22% of Latinos say they approve of the way Trump is handling his job as president, while 69% say they disapprove. By comparison, among the general U.S. public, 38% say they approve of the job Trump is doing as president while 55% disapprove.

Latinos’ views of President Trump’s job performance vary greatly by party affiliation and by whether they are satisfied with the country’s direction. A majority of Latinos who identify with or lean toward the Republican Party approve of the president’s job performance (59%), compared with just 8% of those who identify with or lean toward the Democratic Party. In addition, about half (49%) of Latinos who say they are satisfied with the country’s direction approve of Trump’s job performance, compared with just 7% of those who say they are dissatisfied with the direction of the country.

Differences are also seen among Hispanics by nativity and by gender. Among immigrant Hispanics, only 16% say they approve of how Trump is handling his job as president, compared with 28% among the U.S. born. In addition, only 15% of Hispanic women say they approve of the president’s job performance, compared with 28% among Hispanic men.

Many of these same patterns exist among Latino registered voters. Overall, 25% of Latino voters say they approve of the president’s job performance, while 70% say they disapprove.

Trump administration policies viewed as harmful to Hispanics

Line charts showing that few Hispanics approve of Trump’s job performance as president, but among Hispanics there are big differences in views of Trump by party.


Views of the impact of administration policies on Hispanics largely reflect partisan divisions among Hispanics. Fully 81% of Hispanic Democrats say Trump administration policies have been harmful to Hispanics, compared with just 36% of Hispanic Republicans who say the same.

Among U.S. Latinos, those with closer ties to immigration are more likely to say the administration’s policies have been harmful. About seven-in-ten immigrant Latinos (71%) say this, compared with 63% of those born in the U.S. Among the U.S. born, second-generation Latinos, the children of immigrant parents, are more likely to view Trump administration policies as harmful to Latinos than those of the third or higher generations (67% vs. 58%).

  1. Immigration policies were under national debate in both years. In 2010, attention centered on an Arizona law (Senate bill 1070) that, among other provisions, allowed law enforcement officers to try to determine an individual’s immigration status during a lawful stop or arrest. In 2007, Congress had been debating an overhaul of the nation’s immigration laws.
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