1 in 10 eligible voters in the U.S. are naturalized citizens
Naturalized citizens make up a record number of eligible voters in 2022, most of whom have lived here more than 20 years.
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Naturalized citizens make up a record number of eligible voters in 2022, most of whom have lived here more than 20 years.
While Latino voters have favored Democratic candidates in presidential elections for many decades, the margin of support has varied.
An estimated 36.2 million Hispanics are eligible to vote this year, up from 32.3 million in 2020.
U.S. Hispanics’ policy views do not always align with those of non-Latinos in the same party, recent surveys have found.
Abortion has risen as an election issue for Latinos, with a majority saying it should be legal in all or most cases. Meanwhile, 80% say the economy is a very important issue when deciding who to vote for in the upcoming congressional midterm elections, a greater share than any other issue.
Latinos broadly support an array of policy measures to address climate change and other environmental issues.
Latinos agree that the U.S. immigration system needs an overhaul; large shares say it requires major changes or needs to be completely rebuilt.
At least 76 of the voting members of the 117th Congress are foreign born or have at least one parent born in another country.
White eligible voters were somewhat more likely to say they were contacted than Black, Hispanic or English-speaking Asian eligible voters.
Georgia’s changing electoral makeup has been the focus of renewed attention in the 2020 election cycle.