While most Americans are interested in news about both local laws and local elections, those who feel more attached to their community are especially likely to be interested in news about both topics.

Roughly two-thirds of U.S. adults (65%) say they are at least somewhat attached to their local community, including 17% who feel very attached. An additional 34% say they are not very or not at all attached to their community.
About nine-in-ten Americans who feel very attached to their community (91%) are at least somewhat interested in news about local laws and policies. Slightly fewer of those who are somewhat attached to their community (86%) say the same.
A smaller share of those who are not very or not at all attached to their community (68%) say they are interested in local laws and policies.
There is a similar pattern for interest in news about local political elections.
Advanced statistical analysis shows that the link between community attachment and interest in local political news holds true independent of voter registration status and frequency of local political news consumption.

Americans who feel more attached to their local community also tend to be more satisfied with the quality of their local political news.
Among U.S. adults who get news about local government and politics, four-in-ten of those who are highly attached to their community say they are extremely or very satisfied with the local political news they get, while 13% are not too or not at all satisfied.
Conversely, among those with little or no sense of community attachment, only 16% are highly satisfied with their local political news, while 33% express dissatisfaction.

Similarly, those who are more attached to their community are more likely to say it is easy to find the information they need to make voting decisions in local elections.
Roughly six-in-ten Americans who are very attached to their community (61%) say it is at least somewhat easy to find this information, compared with 34% of those who are not too or not at all attached to their community.