Those looking to feel young later in life may want to consider heading west. Fully 78% of adults ages 65 and older who live in the West say they don’t feel old, compared with 67% of older adults who live in the rest of the country. Half of older Westerners say they feel 10 or more years younger, and one-in-five say they feel 20 or more years younger. Among older adults, only 21% of Westerners say they feel old, compared with 28% in the North, 29% in the South and 34% in the Midwest. And while there is no regional difference in self-reported health among any age group under 65, 72% of older adults living in the West say they are in excellent or good health, compared with just 63% of those living in other regions. Older adults out West also get more exercise than adults ages 65 and older in other regions of the country. Read More
- Short Reads
Fountain of Youth Out West