Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World

Religion and Living Arrangements Around the World

Appendix B: Data sources by country

General sources and archives

Demographic and Health Surveys. Funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). Implemented by ICF.

European Social Survey. Led by the Centre for Comparative Social Surveys. City University, (London) in partnership with the Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium), GESIS (Germany), NSD (Norway), and SCP and the University of Amsterdam (Netherlands).

Integrated Public Use Microdata Series, International (IPUMS). Minnesota Population Center, University of Minnesota.

Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey. Developed by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF).

Other demographic data sources

Pew Research Center. 2016. “Religion and Education Around the World.”

Pew Research Center. 2017. “The Changing Global Religious Landscape.”

Pew Research Center. 2015. “The Future of World Religions: Population Growth Projections, 2010-2050.”

World Economic Outlook database. 2015. International Monetary Fund.

World Population Prospects: The 2017 Revision. United Nations Population Division.


Data sources by country

Afghanistan: Demographic and Health Survey 2015

Albania: Living Standards Measurement Survey 2012

Algeria: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2012-2013

Angola: Demographic and Health Survey 2016

Armenia: Population and Housing Census of the Republic of Armenia 2011, IPUMS subset

Austria: European Social Survey 2016

Bangladesh: Population and Housing Census 2011, IPUMS subset

Barbados: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2012

Belgium: European Social Survey 2016-2017

Belize: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2015-2016

Benin: Fourth Population and Habitation Census 2013, retrieved from IPUMS

Botswana: Census 2011

Brazil: XII Recenseamento Geral do Brasil. Censo Demográfico 2010, IPUMS subset

Bulgaria: European Social Survey 2012

Burkina Faso: Demographic and Health Survey 2010

Burundi: Demographic and Health Survey 2016-2017

Cambodia: Demographic and Health Survey 2014

Cameroon: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2014

Canada: National Household Survey 2011, retrieved from IPUMS

Central African Republic: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2010

Chad: Demographic and Health Survey 2014-2015

China: Chinese General Social Survey 2013-2014

Comoros: Demographic and Health Survey 2012

Costa Rica: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2011

Croatia: European Social Survey 2010

Cyprus: European Social Survey 2012

Czech Republic: European Social Survey 2016

Democratic Republic of the Congo: Demographic and Health Survey 2013-2014

Denmark: European Social Survey 2014

Dominican Republic: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2014

Egypt: Demographic and Health Survey 2014

El Salvador: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2014

Estonia: European Social Survey 2016-2017

Ethiopia: Demographic and Health Survey 2016

Finland: European Social Survey 2016-2017

France: European Social Survey 2016-2017

Gabon: Demographic and Health Survey 2012

Gambia: Demographic and Health Survey 2013

Germany: European Social Survey 2016-2017

Ghana: Population and Housing Census 2010, IPUMS subset

Greece: European Social Survey 2010

Guatemala: Demographic and Health Survey 2015

Guinea: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2016

Guinea-Bissau: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2014

Guyana: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2014

Haiti: Demographic and Health Survey 2016-2017

Honduras: Demographic and Health Survey 2012

Hungary: European Social Survey 2017

Iceland: European Social Survey 2016-2017

India: Demographic and Health Survey 2016

Indonesia: Population Census 2010, retrieved from IPUMS

Iran: National Population and Housing Census 2011, retrieved from IPUMS

Iraq: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2018

Ireland: Census of Population of Ireland 2011, IPUMS subset

Israel: European Social Survey 2016-2017

Italy: European Social Survey 2017

Ivory Coast: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2016

Jamaica: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2011

Japan: Japanese General Social Survey 2012

Jordan: Demographic and Health Survey 2017-2018

Kazakhstan: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2010-2011

Kenya: Demographic and Health Survey 2014

Kosovo: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2013-2014

Kyrgyzstan: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2014

Laos: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2017

Lesotho: Demographic and Health Survey 2014

Liberia: Demographic and Health Survey 2013

Lithuania: European Social Survey 2016

Madagascar: Demographic and Health Survey 2016

Malawi: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2013-2014

Maldives: Demographic and Health Survey 2016-2017

Mali: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2015

Mauritania: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2015

Mexico: Population and Housing Census 2011, IPUMS subset

Moldova: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2012

Mongolia: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2013-2014

Montenegro: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2013

Mozambique: Demographic and Health Survey 2011

Namibia: Demographic and Health Survey 2013

Nepal: Demographic and Health Survey 2016

Netherlands: European Social Survey 2016

Niger: Demographic and Health Survey 2012

Nigeria: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2016-2017

North Macedonia: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2011

Norway: European Social Survey 2016

Pakistan: Demographic and Health Survey 2017-2018

Palestinian territories: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2014

Panama: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2013

Papua New Guinea: Census 2011

Paraguay: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2016

Peru: Demographic and Health Survey 2010-2013

Philippines: Census of Population and Housing 2010, retrieved from IPUMS

Poland: European Social Survey 2016-2017

Portugal: Censos 2011: XV Receseamento Geral da População; V Receseamento Geral da Habitação, IPUMS subset

Puerto Rico: Puerto Rico Community Survey 2010, IPUMS subset

Republic of the Congo: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2014-2015

Romania: Population and Housing Census 2011, retrieved from IPUMS

Russia: European Social Survey 2017

Rwanda: Fourth Population and Housing Census 2012, retrieved from IPUMS

Sao Tome and Principe: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2014

Senegal: Demographic and Health Survey 2017

Serbia: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2014

Sierra Leone: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2017

Slovakia: European Social Survey 2012

Slovenia: European Social Survey 2016-2017

Somalia: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2011

South Africa: General Household Survey 2015

South Korea: Korean General Social Survey 2014-2016

Spain: European Social Survey 2017

St. Lucia: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2012

Suriname: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2010

Swaziland: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2014

Sweden: European Social Survey 2016-2017

Switzerland: European Social Survey 2016-2017

Taiwan: Taiwan Social Change Survey 2016

Tajikistan: Demographic and Health Survey 2017

Thailand: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2015-2016

Timor-Leste: Demographic and Health Survey 2016

Togo: Demographic and Health Survey 2013

Trinidad and Tobago: Population and Housing Census 2011, retrieved from IPUMS

Tunisia: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2011-2012

Turkey: Family Structure Survey 2016

Uganda: Demographic and Health Survey 2016

Ukraine: European Social Survey 2012

United Kingdom: European Social Survey 2016-2017

United States: General Social Survey 2010-2016

Vietnam: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2013-2014

Yemen: Demographic and Health Survey 2013

Zambia: Census of Population and Housing 2010, IPUMS subset

Zimbabwe: Demographic and Health Survey 2015

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