Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World

Latinos’ Views of Illegal Immigration’s Impact on Their Community Improve


Blumberg, Stephen J., and Julian V. Luke. 2013. “Wireless Substitution: Early Release of Estimates From the National Health Interview Survey, July-December 2012.” Center for Disease Control and Prevention. June.

Lopez, Mark Hugo, Rich Morin and Paul Taylor. 2010. “Illegal Immigration Backlash Worries, Divides Latinos.” Washington, DC: Pew Research Center’s Hispanic Trends Project, October.

Passel, Jeffrey and D’Vera Cohn. 2010. “U.S. Unauthorized Immigration Flows Are Down Sharply Since Mid-Decade.” Washington, DC: Pew Research Center’s Hispanic Trends Project, September.

Passel, Jeffrey, D’Vera Cohn and Ana Gonzalez-Barrera. 2013. “Population Decline of Unauthorized Immigrants Stalls, May Have Reversed.”  Washington, DC: Pew Research Center’s Hispanic Trends Project, September.

Pew Hispanic Center. 2007. “2007 National Survey of Latinos: As Illegal Immigration Issue Heats Up, Hispanics Feel a Chill.” Washington, DC: Pew Research Center’s Hispanic Trends Project, December.

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