Not all Latinos are aware that deportations have risen to record levels during the Obama administration.
When asked which administration has deported more unauthorized immigrants, a plurality (41%) of Latinos say they believe that the Obama administration is deporting more unauthorized immigrants than the Bush administration. Some 36% of Latinos say the two administrations have deported about the same number of immigrants. And 10% of Latinos say the Obama administration has deported fewer unauthorized immigrants than the Bush administration.
Awareness of the level of deportations is higher among foreign-born Hispanics than among native-born Hispanics—55% versus 25%. And among immigrant Hispanics who are not U.S. citizens and do not have a green card—the group most likely to be affected by increased deportations—71% say the Obama administration has deported more unauthorized immigrants than the Bush administration.
Views of Deportations

By a ratio of more than two-to-one (59% versus 27%), Latinos say they disapprove of the way the Obama administration is handling the deportation of unauthorized immigrants.
Disapproval is much higher among foreign-born Latinos (70%) than native-born Latinos (46%).
Among Hispanic registered voters, 52% say they disapprove of the Obama administration’s handling of deportations, while 31% say they approve.
Among those who are aware that deportations have reached record levels during Obama’s tenure, more than three-quarters (77%) disapprove of the administration’s deportation policy. Among those who are not aware that deportations have increased, slightly more than half disapprove.
Familiarity with Detainment and Deportation

One-in-four (24%) Hispanics say they personally know someone who has been detained or deported by the federal government in the past year.
Familiarity with detainment and deportation is highest among foreign-born Hispanics who are not U.S. citizens and not legal residents. Among this group, more than a third (36%) say they know someone who has been deported or detained in the past year.
However, familiarity with detainment and deportation is not limited to the foreign born. One-in-five (22%) native-born Hispanics say they personally know someone who has been detained or deported by the federal government in the past 12 months. And among Hispanic registered voters, one-in-five (20%) say they know someone who has been deported or detained.