This essay is based upon a day-long workshop organized by Kenneth Flamm of the University of Texas at Austin, John B. Horrigan of the Pew Internet & American Life Project, William Lehr of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Sharon Gillett of MIT (at the time of the workshop).29 The text was written by Amy Friedlander, in collaboration with Kenneth Flamm, John Horrigan, and William Lehr. Elizabeth Maida, a student at MIT, did an outstanding job of transcribing tapes of the day’s proceedings. In the course of writing the essay, Dr. Friedlander benefited from conversations and email exchanges with Shane Greenstein and Myron Gutmann.
This essay should be cited as Kenneth Flamm, Friedlander, Amy, Horrigan, John B., Lehr, William. Measuring Broadband: Improving Communications Policymaking through Better Data Collection. (Washington, D.C.: Pew Internet & American Life Project, 2007). Available online at: