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About the 2005 Global Attitudes Survey

Results for the survey are based on telephone and face-to-face interviews conducted under the direction of Princeton Survey Research Associates International. All surveys are based on national samples except in China, India, Morocco and Pakistan where the sample was disproportionately or exclusively urban.

The table below shows the margin of sampling error based on all interviews conducted in that country. For results based on the full sample in a given country, one can say with 95% confidence that the error attributable to sampling and other random effects is plus or minus the margin of error. In addition to sampling error, one should bear in mind that question wording and practical difficulties in conducting surveys can introduce error or bias into the findings of opinion polls.

Country: Britain Company: NOP World Sample design: Probability Mode: Telephone adults 18 plus Languages: English Fieldwork dates: April 25-May 7, 2005 Sample size: 750 Margin of Error: 4% Representative: Telephone households

Country: Canada Company: Environics Sample design: Probability Mode: Telephone adults 18 plus Languages: English and French Fieldwork dates: May 6-11, 2005 Sample size: 500 Margin of Error: 4% Representative: Telephone households

Country: China Company: Data cited are from the Horizon Consultancy Group Sample design: Probability sample in six cities and surrounding rural areas — Shanghai (in east China), Beijing (north), Guangzhou (southeast), Chengdu (southwest), Wuhan (central) and Shenyang (northeast). Mode: Face-to-face adults 18 to 60 Languages: Chinese (dialects: Mandarin, Beijingese, Cantonese, Sichuan, Hubei, Dongbei, Shanghaiese) Fieldwork dates: May 21-31, 2005 Sample size: 2191 Margin of Error: 2% Representative: Disproportionately urban

Country: France Company: Taylor, Nelson & Sofres (TNS) Sample design: Quota Mode: Telephone adults 18 plus Languages: French Fieldwork dates: May 2-7, 2005 Sample size: 751 Margin of Error: 4% Representative: Telephone households

Country: Germany Company: TNS EMNID Sample design: Probability Mode: Telephone adults 18 plus Languages: German Fieldwork dates: April 27-May 4, 2005 Sample size: 750 Margin of Error: 4% Representative: Telephone households

Country: India Company: TNS Sample design: Probability Mode: Face-to-face adults 18-64 Languages: Hindi, Gujarati, Tamil, Kannada, Bengali Fieldwork dates: May 1-29, 2005 Sample size: 2042 Margin of Error: 2% Representative: Urban only

Country: Indonesia Company: TNS Indonesia Sample design: Probability Mode: Face-to-face adults 18 plus Languages: Bahasa Indonesia Fieldwork dates: April 30-May 16, 2005 Sample size: 1022 Margin of Error: 3% Representative: Eighteen provinces representing 87% of adult population

Country: Jordan Company: MRO Sample design: Probability Mode: Face-to-face adults 18 plus Languages: Arabic Fieldwork dates: May 3-24, 2005 Sample size: 1000 Margin of Error: 3% Representative: Adult population

Country: Lebanon Company: MRO Sample design: Probability Mode: Face-to-face adults 18 plus Languages: Arabic Fieldwork dates: May 3-24, 2005 Sample size: 1000 Margin of Error: 3% Representative: Adult population

Country: Morocco Company: Pan Arab Research Center Sample design: Probability Mode: Face-to-face adults 18 plus Languages: French and Arabic Fieldwork dates: June 6-16, 2005 Sample size: 1000 Margin of Error: 3% Representative: Disproportionately urban

Country: Netherlands Company: TNS NIPO Sample design: Probability Mode: Telephone adults 18 plus Languages: Dutch Fieldwork dates: April 27-May 11, 2005 Sample size: 754 Margin of Error: 4% Representative: Telephone households

Country: Pakistan Company: ACNielsen Aftab Sample design: Probability Mode: Face-to-face adults 18 plus Languages: Urdu Fieldwork dates: May 2-24, 2005 Sample size: 1225 Margin of Error: 3% Representative: Disproportionately urban

Country: Poland Company: Ipsos-Demoskop Sample design: Probability Mode: Face-to-face adults 18 plus Languages: Polish Fieldwork dates: April 27-May 29, 2005 Sample size: 1024 Margin of Error: 3% Representative: Adult population

Country: Russia Company: Bashkirova & Partners Sample design Probability Mode: Face-to-face adults 18 plus Languages: Russian Fieldwork dates: April 28-May 13, 2005 Sample size: 1002 Margin of Error: 3% Representative: Adult population

Country: Spain Company: TNS-Demoscopia Sample design: Probability Mode: Telephone adults 18 plus Languages: Spanish Fieldwork dates: April 20-28, 2005 Sample size: 751 Margin of Error: 4% Representative: Telephone households

Country: Turkey Company: PIAR-TNS Sample design: Probability Mode: Face-to-face adults 18 plus Languages: Turkish Fieldwork dates: April 27-May 14, 2005 Sample size: 1003 Margin of Error: 3% Representative: Adult population

Country: United States Company: Princeton Data Source Sample design: Probability Mode: Telephone adults 18 plus Languages: English Fieldwork dates: May 18-22, 2005 Sample size: 1001 Margin of Error: 3% Representative: Telephone households in continental US

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