Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World

September 2007 Political Survey

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    Nation’s Real Estate Slump Hits Wealthy Areas

    Summary of Findings Public assessments of the nation’s economy have fallen to a two-year low, and the nation’s economic outlook remains relatively gloomy. In particular, faced with a steady stream of negative news about the U.S. housing market, Americans are substantially less inclined than they were even a few months ago to say they expect […]

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    Petraeus’ Proposals Favored, But No Lift in War Support

    Summary of Findings Last week’s congressional testimony by General David Petraeus and Ambassador Ryan Crocker, followed by President Bush’s address to the nation, has not changed bottom-line public attitudes toward the war in Iraq. However, there has been a modest increase in positive views about the U.S. military effort, accompanied by largely positive public reactions […]

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