Many Americans Get News on YouTube, Where News Organizations and Independent Producers Thrive Side by Side
Videos from independent news producers are more likely to cover subjects negatively and discuss conspiracy theories.
Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World
Survey dates: Jan. 6 – Jan. 20, 2020
How we did this Pew Research Center has conducted extensive research on the public’s economic attitudes, including opinions about economic inequality. As part of this research, we conducted this study to better understand Americans’ views of the factors behind why some people are rich or poor. We also wanted to learn if attitudes had changed […]
These views are more upbeat than at any point in the past two decades. More Americans say Trump’s policies have made the economy better than worse.
Democrats’ preferences for the nominee are deeply divided along ideological and demographic lines.
As the Senate impeachment trial gets underway, about half of Americans say Donald Trump should be removed from office. A 63% majority say Trump definitely or probably has committed illegal acts, either in office or while running for president.
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