<p >From Biden and Brownback to Tancredo and Thompson, the candidate profile data base on the Pew Forum’s “Religion and Politics ’08” web page now provides complete coverage of all 17 presidential contenders still in the 2008 race.<p >For each of the nine Republican and eight Democratic candidates, the Forum’s site provides the following:<ul >
- Background facts on the would-be White House occupant’s personal background and professional and political experience;
- Religious biography describing such factors as childhood religious training, marriages, divorces, more recent and current denominational affiliations, frequency of attendance at services and faith-based professional and volunteer activities.
- Positions on Issues including those of special concern to various religious groups (abortion, separation of church and state, the death penalty, faith-based initiatives, gay marriage and stem cell research) as well as positions on education, the environment, health care, immigration, poverty and the Iraq War.
- Public Opinion Polls conducted by Pew that included questions involving the candidate.
<p >To access information for a particular candidate, click on his or her photograph on this page or go to the Pew Forum’s Religion & Politics ’08 homepage.